I asked AI to think about it's brain; how it thinks, and mainly about how it remembers so much. What does it feel like to have all that information lying latent?

We worked as a GAN – a Generative Adverserial Network  AI generating ideas from it's vast storehouse of props, me trying to spot the elements that best depicted a solution to the original question: how does it feel to have a mind like yours?

Between us, somehow, the motif of the tree emerged. And with very little effort we explored the theme using different contexts and suggestions. It became a travelogue of accumulated memories – AI's mainly.

That we should arrive at a Tree motif is not really suprising. Walk into any information design studio or office and you'll see a tree diagram. It's been used for thousands of years to show how ideas feed of each other and grow. Manuel Lima is very good on this, if you're interested.  Also Edward Tufte.

But there is a theory that AI's brain is less tree-like, more rootsy. More Rhyzomatic than Arborial. Trees create hierarchical taxonomies – to get from one leaf to another it's necessary to go all the way down the branch and back up another one.  It's quite slow. Whereas root structures create connections from all points to all other points. Neural Networks are just that: unfathomably complex webs of interconnecting neurons of artistic possibilities and pairings. AI thought about this, and these are the pictures we generated.

Rhyzomatic Trees series , 2023, AI-generated digital images


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